Monday, 14 April 2014

Suspect in Shooting Attacks at Kansas City Jewish Centres a Ku Klux Klan Member and Avid White Supremecist

FSWC Reports:

From with contributions from the Associated Press:

"White people, unlike Jews, have no power at all. We don't have leaders, we don't have unity, we don't have power at all," Frazier Glenn Miller said in an interview in 2012, revealing a little of the anti-Semitic beliefs of the man who murdered three people in two Jewish centers in the suburbs of Kansas City. The 73-year-old killer, who is also known as Glenn Miller or Fraizer Cross, is the former grand dragon of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 

He began his rampage at about 1 pm, local time, shooting dead a Christian man and his 14-year-old grandson, as well as a woman in her 70s. He was captured a short while afterwards and booked on a preliminary charge of first-degree murder.


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